Conveyancing Lawyers | Auckland


From 1 April 2018 Barratt-Boyes Law Practice has merged with Sellar Bone & Partners and John Barratt-Boyes is now a partner in that firm. This website will continue until the new Sellar Bone & Partners website is up and running.

Find Out More

Are you buying or selling a property, and want to ensure a smooth transaction process? Many people especially first time buyers or those new to investing are surprised when they find out just how much legal and other work is involved with property transactions. It’s not just the contract; there are tax issues, title transfer, Body Corporate and other elements to consider. Some buyers need help to understand and some sellers fail to include the fine print about easements and rights of way, which can significantly impact enjoyment of a property.

If you are confused or worried about the conveyancing process, call on the professionals at Barratt-Boyes Law Practice.

With over 33 years experience in delivering quality legal services, we are ideally placed to offer you advice and service throughout the conveyancing of your Auckland property. We will ensure that you are fully informed at each stage of the process, and that delays are avoided wherever possible, so that you have the simplest and most straightforward transaction possible.

Our team acts for both vendors and purchasers, and can confidently represent you during any negotiations or disputes over conveyancing-related matters.

Our services include reviewing and advising on:

  •  signing the agreement
  •  title to the property (fee simple, leasehold, unit title, cross lease)
  •  rights-of-way or other easements
  •  Body Corporate Rules
  •  Land Information Memorandum
  •  whether there are any tax issues
  •  whether a Relationship Property Agreement is necessary

We are happy to assist at any stage of your transaction, and no matter is too big or too small for our attention. Please contact us to find how we can assist with matters concerning conveyancing in Auckland.