What We Do

From 1 April 2018 Barratt-Boyes Law Practice has merged with Sellar Bone & Partners and John Barratt-Boyes is now a partner in that firm. This website will continue until the new Sellar Bone & Partners website is up and running.

Find Out More

Arranging your Personal or Business Affairs to Protect your Assets and/or Save Tax
Our services include reviewing your present financial position and future plans and advising on ways of restructuring your affairs, usually through Family Trusts or Relationship Property Agreements to protect your assets or to save tax.

Borrowing or Refinancing
Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • whether the loan agreements are correct
  • whether the security requirements are appropriate
  • whether personal guarantees are appropriate or can be limited in some way
  • whether your borrowing is being structured in the most tax effective way
  • completing, signing the loan documents
  • registration of mortgages and other securities

Buying and Selling Businesses
Our services include reviewing and advising on:

  • agreement negotiations
  • lease of the premises
  • financing the purchase
  • incorporating company or setting-up partnership
  • tax issues
  • intellectual property
  • restraints of trade
  • transfer of employees

Buying and Selling your Home or Investment Property
Our services include reviewing and advising on:

  • signing the agreement
  • title to the property (fee simple, leasehold, unit title, cross lease)
  • rights-of-way or other easements
  • Body Corporate Rules
  • Land Information Memorandum
  • whether there are any tax issues
  • whether a Relationship Property Agreement is necessary

Buying into a Retirement Village
Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • the village ownership structure
  • investment risks
  • the costs of ownership including one-off expenses and regular expenses
  • completing the purchase

Collecting Debts
Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • the most appropriate debt collection method (e.g. District Court or High Court)
  • winding up proceedings
  • summary judgments
  • issuing the appropriate proceedings
  • appearing at Court
  • enforcing the judgment to recover payment

Completing a Pre-Marriage or Property-Sharing Agreement

The Relationship Property laws now apply to all couples including same sex couples who have been in a relationship for 3 years as well as married couples and civil union couples.

It is becoming more common for couples to have a formal legally binding agreement regarding the division of their property in the event their relationship ends because the outcome without such an agreement is not always fair or appropriate.

Deceased Estates

John is regularly appointed as an executor/trustee in clients’ wills usually together with a family member or business associate of the testator as a second executor/trustee to ensure that the testator’s wishes as stated in his/her will are properly carried out.

Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • the provisions of the will
  • obtaining probate
  • obtaining letters of administration if there is no will
  • realising assets and paying debts
  • final tax returns
  • making distributions in terms of the will
  • resolving disputes between beneficiaries

Establishing and Administering Family Trusts

Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • the pro’s and con’s of having a Trust
  • if you are a couple, whether you should have one or two Trusts
  • completing the Trust Deed
  • what assets should be transferred to the Trust
  • tailoring any bank mortgages to complement the Trust
  • administering the “gifting programme”
  • completing minutes of trustees’ resolutions
  • tailoring your wills to complement the Trust

Establishing, Operating or Winding-up your Company or Partnership

Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • the best business structure for your business
  • drafting the partnership agreement
  • advising on shareholder and directors rights and obligations
  • drafting the shareholders’ agreement and/or constitution
  • incorporating the company
  • ratifying any pre-incorporation contracts

Leasing Premises

Our services include reviewing and advising on:

  • negotiating an agreement to lease
  • Land Information Memorandum (if required) for the property
  • deed of lease
  • assignment of an existing lease
  • personal guarantees

Resolving Personal or Business Disputes by Negotiation or Litigation

Our services include reviewing and advising on:

  • the factual and legal issues relevant to the dispute
  • the strengths/weaknesses of your position
  • the costs/benefit of litigation or settlement by negotiation

Settling issues arising from Employment and Unjustified Dismissal Claims or other Grievances

Our services include:

  • advising on whether there has been an unjustified dismissal or unjustified disadvantage
  • negotiating a settlement with your employer or employee
  • representing you at a Mediation or Adjudication Hearing at the Employment Relations Authority

Settling the Division of Property and Other Issues arising on Separation (Marriage or De Facto)

Our services include reviewing, advising on and/or attending to:

  • your rights under the Property (Relationships) Act 1976
  • negotiating a settlement
  • completing a Relationship Property Agreement
  • taking or defending proceedings in the Family Court
  • representing you at any mediation conference, settlement conference or hearing